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Public spaces

The design and improvement of public spaces has always been given great importance in the theory and practice of urban planning. Now, many basic principles have been joined by the principles of modern urbanism and innovative development, giving preference to “live performance” with minimizing the supremacy of machines and maximizing the satisfaction of human needs.

When creating any project, we try to focus on the concept of sustainable development and the implementation of the “city for people” principle. This is the fulcrum (foothold) in the creation of projects related to the improvement of public spaces, which, today, are considered the engine of the economy and progress of modern society.

Our primary goal is to create such traditional elements of public spaces with which the inhabitants of the city will interact - the principle of "placemaking" - people act not only as observers, but as the main shapers of the public space. As noted about the doctrine of "modern urbanization" - we support the view that it is important to pragmatically evaluate the layout of the city in terms of functionality and realism, considering each element in the context of a single urban infrastructure.

Thus, modern public spaces should be aimed at improving the quality of life of city residents, introducing the fundamental principles of sustainable development and diversification.


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